Fake Gnus – Review

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

Fake Gnus is filled with sketches that make fun of Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein and also features an appearance from Louis C.K. All of those stories were probably called fake news at some point or another.

The team, consisting of Tony Binns, Trevor Campbell, Shannon Leahy and Oksana Porteous. They take some risks by taking on sketches that deal with men who have been convicted or admitted to sexual assault. It’s all intersperced with non risky topics like ancestry.com and Jeff Goldblum.

There is a first date that takes place on stage and  couple  weird appearances from a cardboard cut out of Kool-Aid. There are jabs at Alexander Ovechkin and the Stanley Cup and  of course, a Daily Show style show is not complete without a couple of references to the President of the United States.

It’s all in good fun and worth a few laughs.

Fake Gnus is part of the Calgary Fringe Festival. It plays 3 more times and more information can be found online.

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