So I had my folks over for dinner. On the menu? Guacamole and hummus as appetizers and Pad Thai for main. I had bought avocados on Monday, anticipating that they would be ripe by the time Friday rolled around. Not so much. Total fail. So I crushed them up best I could, and put them […]
Blog Articles
Enough to keep you – Feeling pleasantly Sour.

I’ve finally found some time to cook. And there seems to be a theme to this blog. Mostly it seems that all I ever cook are noodles or pasta. Well, I do eat other things. I just don’t blog about them. And my roomate is a great cook, so I only really do new things […]
Enough to keep you – Entertained.
The past several weeks have been concert filled. And I’m behind in posting about them. Meagan Smith was in town. She came to play at the Ironwood, and her show was really great.