Green Fool Theatre is an arts company that focuses on physical art that utilizes masks, puppets and stilts. They had a performance that ran this past week called Once Upon an Atom Bomb. It took place in this little church on Earlton Road and I originally didn’t think I had time to see it. But […]
Blog Articles
Enough to keep you – Nostalgic.
So there is a valid reason as to why I haven’t updated in a little over two months. I was away. In a faraway land. My family, on both sides are from Mauritius. It’s a little island, off the coast of Madacascar, in the Indian Ocean. Which begs the question: Why did they come here? […]
Enough to keep you – Humble
All of the past remembrance days, since I’ve been out of University, I’ve worked. I got a day off as a trade off, but I always missed not being in grade school and going to a ceremony. This year I could have gone with David to a ceremony, but I decided that in honour of […]