Posts Tagged: review

Downstage Theatre’s ‘Men Express Their Feelings’ feels forced

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

The concept that fuels Men Express Their Feelings by Sunny Drake and presented with the generous support of Hit & Myth Productions is examining masculinity in a super charged setting: hockey. The play even pushes the concept further by having the characters have a feelings circle in a hockey dressing room. It sounds like the […]

Broadway Across Canada’s ‘Dear Evan Hansen’ is an engaging musical with its issues

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

Broadway Across Canada’s Dear Evan Hansen has a unique challenge. How to present a musical that is centered on a teen struggling with social anxiety, while making that story engaging. All in all the production accomplishes this, assisted by some outstanding performances and strong musical direction. The musical, based on the book by Steven Levenson, […]