Alberta Theatre Projects’ holiday show is an adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s story by Rohit Chokhani, who also directed it. It is an interpretation that sets the narrative in the heart of India and immerses the audience in the richness of Indian culture, landscape and colour. The production transforms the Martha Cohen Stage into an Indian […]
Posts Tagged: review
Vertigo Theatre’s Murder on the Orient Express is a complex but entertaining production
The Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, is back on the Vertigo stage, with a classic Murder on the Orient Express. This play centers on detective Hercule Poirot, made famous by Christie in 33 novels, 50 short stories and 2 plays, published between 1920 and 1975. This play is adapted by Ken Ludwig and directed by Jovanni […]
Broadway Across Canada’s Jesus Christ Superstar’s details are lost in the noise
I’m going to start this review with a confession. I don’t know the storyline for Jesus Christ Superstar and all that I know about it is the main song. That’s it. I walked into Broadway Across Canada’s production this past week, completely blind but knowing that this production got rave reviews in London and there […]