REVIEWS Articles

Harmonies come together in Rosebud Theatre’s ‘Tent Meeting’

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

Rosebud Theatre’s production of Tent Meeting by Morris Ertman and Ron Reed is about a lot of things. It’s about the power of gospel music, the way friendship and love brings people together and drives them apart, and the ways in which faith and religion influences our lives. The play tells of George Hoveland (Declan O’Reilly) […]

2016 Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards Winners

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

It was a fun night of celebrating theatre on Monday night at Commonwealth Bar. Calgary Theatre Critics – Louis B Hobson of Postmedia, Stephen Hunt formerly of the Calgary Herald, Rodrigo Flores of Joyful Magpies and Jenna Shummoogum of Downtown Calgary Association –  handed out awards in 19 categories for the 5th annual Critters and […]