REVIEWS Articles

Marcus Ryan – Walk this Qué – Review

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

What would possess someone to walk the Camino de Santiago? If you want an answer to that question, you probably shouldn’t ask Marcus Ryan. He can tell you the multiple reasons why others do it, from religion to fitness, to sprinkling their loved one’s ashes. But it’s okay that Ryan doesn’t answer the question, because […]

An honest* History of Bullshit – Review

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Paco Erhard’s stand up comedy performance on Thursday night at the Ironwood had a smaller crowd, but Erhard was able to roll with it. In his act Erhard discusses the definition of bullshit, basically pretending to be something you are not. He jokes about how we are so awash in it, that we have grown […]

False Profits – Review

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

If you’re feeling anxious lately, with the state of the economy and the state of politics, maybe Jeff Leard’s new show False Profits isn’t for you. Because it doesn’t hold back on illustrating the depths of our dumpster fire. But maybe it’s also what you need to see, a no nonsense, tell it like it […]