Posts By: Jenna

Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards comes to an end

Posted by & filed under Blog, Theatre.

As our city launches into one of the busiest months in theatre during September, it is with heavy hearts and regret that the Calgary Theatre Critics (Louis B Hobson, Stephen Hunt, Rodrigo Flores and Jenna Shummoogum) must announce the conclusion of the Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards (The Critters.) Since 2011, the Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards […]

Icarus – Review

Posted by & filed under REVIEWS, Theatre.

The word Icarus has a couple meanings: In classic Greek mythology Icarus, the son of Daedalus who flew to close to the sun on artificial wings and they melted and he fell to his death; in astronomy, it’s an asteroid whose eccentric orbit brings it closer to the sun than any asteroid. These themes are […]